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Keep in mind that the suitability of this part is a guide only there may be more than one type for the same vehicle.
Not sure if this part fits your vehicle? No probs! Our team can help, click HERE complete your details quoting the part number you require & we will get back to you.
Parts are new & we sell only the best trusted quality brands.
The original packaging is mostly shop/shelf worn this should not however, affect the performance or quality of the parts.
You can return your order within 30 days of your purchase date. Exceptions apply Refer to CUSTOMER SUPPORT for more details.
Manufacturers Warranty
Warranty on goods varies by Manufacturer. For the majority, warranty on goods applies for at least 12 months or 20,000 kilometres, whichever comes first. If a fault has been identified through no fault of you own, a warranty claim can be processed through the manufacturer once it has been returned to us. Refer to Refund Policy for more details.